Whilst shopping last evening . . .Officer B: (to cashier) I guess you want me to pay for that.
Cashier: Afraid so . . . unless, you want to pass it off to her (nodding to me).
Office B:
She didn’t bring a wallet. She never does.
The Queen doesn’t carry cash.
Cashier: (laughing) I’m glad my wife didn’t hear that.
As we are leaving the store . . .
Officer B: You know, he’s not the first guy to say that to me.
Me: What exactly?
Officer B:
That they’re glad their wives didn’t hear what you said.
They all seem to be afraid you’re going to lead some sort of revolt.
You know, “Down with men!”
Me: Nothing like that! I like to be treated well, but I’m not mean.
Office B: Huh?
Me: I don’t go home and shriek like a harpie. I don't want to crush you. I treat you well; I expect to be treated well in return. You have Mrs. Ogle to thank for that. She told me, “Treat your man like a king and he’ll treat you like a queen. If he doesn’t, you’ve got the wrong man.”
Officer B: I certainly don’t have any problem with that.
Me: I shouldn’t think you would.
This makes me happy. Really. I'm smiling.
Here Here! That is indeed a perfect way to choose a husband. It worked for me too.
I love that!! I shall keep that in mind when I am next in a relationship. ;)
I wish, after 21 years, that I had chosen this way because all I am now is an emotional doormat. Be treated like queens ladies but treat your man like a king!!
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